Both wallpaper and murals provide different departments, dimensions, and aesthetics for any given space. Their dual purpose is to add textures, colour, design and overall life to your interior space.  Wallpaper is known for its versatility and ease of use, while murals are celebrated for their ability to create bold, personalised statements. Wallpaper can be covered and decorated with wallpaper murals. Either a multiplex design or a basic design is possible. On the other hand, a mural is a piece of art that is painted or put directly onto a wall, ceiling, or another long-lasting surface.

Manufacturing and Production Methods

Wallpaper- Usually made in big rolls, wallpaper is available in a variety of materials, including paper, fabric, and non-woven substrates. Patterns and colours on the other hand are created by designers and then digitalized. The wallpaper material is printed with the design using digital, or screen printing techniques. Depending on the kind, a protective coating is put on the wallpaper to improve its cleanability, water resistance, and longevity.

Mural- Customised artworks intended to cover entire walls or huge parts are called murals. Custom artwork is produced by artists or designers following client requirements. Digital graphics and hand-painted designs are examples of this. Large sheets of material, typically vinyl or cloth, are used to create the mural using high-resolution digital printers. Murals are intricate and large-scale, and these printers can handle that. To make installation easier, the mural has been broken into manageable parts. Protective coatings are used to increase lifetime and durability.

Pushp Kala, Floral Harmony Mural Wallpaper

Make this Wallpaper Yours!

Suitable Spaces and Applications

Wallpapers- Halls, dining rooms, living rooms, and bedrooms. Ideal for combining repeating patterns to create a unified aesthetic. Retail stores, motels, restaurants, and offices, are frequently employed to create surroundings with a theme. Whereas Design versatility, simplicity in installation and replacement, and a range of textures and finishes are offered.

Murals-  Living areas, kid’s rooms, and home offices can all benefit from feature walls. Perfect for making a big statement. Retail areas, conference rooms, and lobby areas. used to build immersive experiences or communicate branding messages. Adaptable, distinctive, and capable of dramatically altering a room.

Cost Comparison

Wallpapers- Because of mass production, they are typically more inexpensive. Easier to fix or replace particular areas, which could result in lower long-term expenses.

Murals- Increased expenses as a result of the need for high-resolution printing and customisation, more cost spent because, to ensure a flawless application, expert installation is frequently needed, and even more long-term expenses because the entire mural, or significant portions of it, may need to be replaced if damaged.

Renaissance's Dream Wallpaper Mural

Make this Wallpaper Yours!

Why should I use wallpaper or mural?

Wallpapers- Provides an extensive selection of textures, colours, and patterns. It’s easy to add or remove, so trend-aware homeowners can use it. High-quality wallpaper is resistant to fading and can endure many years of use, being highly durable.

Murals- Customised designs that showcase personal preferences or brands, making a striking focal point and have the power to change a room’s atmosphere with artistic expression and can be applied to the creation of themed areas.

Pros & Cons of each option  



Versatility: An extensive selection of styles and materials.

Cost Effective: Usually less expensive than murals.

Easy to Remove and Install: Made especially simple with peel-and-stick alternatives.


Pattern Repetition: Restricted to recurring patterns that may not align with every design aesthetic.

Seam Visibility: The seam between rolls might be visible.

 Durability: In regions with heavy traffic, it could not survive as long.



Customisation: Made to fit particular needs and room measurements.

Visual Impact: Gives every space a remarkable and distinctive feature.

Seamless Look: Murals that are professionally installed have few obvious seams.


Cost: Increased initial expenses related to design and installation.

Permanent: More difficult to edit or replace than wallpaper.

Installation: For optimal outcomes, expert installation is necessary.


The choice between murals and wallpaper is influenced by several variables, such as the space’s unique requirements and intended aesthetic.

While murals are great for creating a distinctive, impactful, and personalised setting, wallpaper is great for people seeking for an inexpensive, adaptable, and simple-to-change choice. Each approach has pros and cons of its own, and the optimal decision will rely on specific requirements, design objectives and as an individual what you are looking for.