In the last decade, retro-themed designs have been among the most trending aesthetics people tend to choose from. From simplistic ideas to more complex, imaginary funky elements, retro-themed murals have become some of the most sought-after design inputs for millennial homes. With the rising popularity of Pinterest ideas and the growing demand for a stylistic presence, we try to introduce some vintage swagger in our homes. 

But how exactly do we do that?

The answer lies in, “What do we think of when we imagine retro-themed murals?”

To answer the above question, let’s take a tour. Here are our few cents on retro-themed mural ideas for a vintage home aesthetic. 

Brick Walls: Retro-Themed Minimal Aesthetic

This is among the simplest and most elegant design forms for your walls. These retro-themed murals are subtle, easygoing for the eyes, and relatively uniform. This multi-color minimalistic approach is also among the most flexible ones. You can use these murals in your bedrooms, your kitchens, or even your guest halls.

Teracotta Red Brick Wall Mural Wallpaper

Wooden Planks: Retro-Themed Minimal Aesthetic

Wooden planks, just like Brick walls, are simple and extremely flexible. These designs are uniform, with slightly jagged edges and stained dots thrown around to give them a fantastic vibe. These planks are easy for the eyes and make your room feel like a walk in the park. These options are perfect for a retro-themed bohemian look of your home.

Wooden Slats Wallpaper for Walls

Cinema: Retro-Themed Creative Aesthetic

Old movies from the eighties, book designs of your favourite classics, uncut reels, old cameras, country sets. These designs feel like your favorite Pinterest mood boards. They have the vibes of an old literary venue, yet with the retro-themed environment to swoon for. Perfect for studies and guest halls, these classic designs never fail to impress.

Wallpaper Roll for Movie Lovers

Funky Designs: Walls Reimagined

The eighties and the seventies are among the funkiest decades of the past century. Wall graffiti, free speech, and a license to impress were what those decades stood for. These retro-themed murals are sure to hit, for they not only hint at the funky nostalgia but also represent all the terms addressed above.

Majestic Dusk Pop Art Wallpaper Mural

Primary Colors: Old Colors, New Heart

Rainbows, Hives, splashes, and splotches. These designs are centred around the primary colors which ruled the world a few decades back. The simpler they are, the more elegant they feel. Rush in for these new designs to satisfy the old hearts.

Soothing Japanese Style Landscape Art Wallpaper Mural

For more such designs, you can visit our collections here.

Paintings: Retro-Themed Wallpaper Paintings

Nothing screams elegance and luxury louder than paintings. These murals not only tickle the retro-themed artist inside you but also make sure that it does not seem too over-the-top. These wallpapers have bold colors, loud designs, and a personality of their own. It is time to make your walls feel like a canvas.

Riders of Fortune Seven Horses Painting Wallpaper Mural

For more such designs, you can visit our collections here.

Your Favourite Movies, TV, or Books: Customizable Wall Murals

If you click here, you shall be sent to a window where you shall be able to upload your own mural designs. It can be your favorite eighties movie, your favorite book, or the poster with which your parents grew up. Pop culture is not a twentieth-century thing.